Kigezi Diocesan Bishop Akanjuna Encourages Christians to Engage in Government Initiatives for Societal Progress

Bishop Akanjuna, the Bishop of the diocese of Kigezi, Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna, implored Christians to prioritize the state of their hearts over outward displays of faith for the growth of the church.

He made this maiden call during the confirmation service at Nyamiyaga Church of Uganda parish in Bubare Town Council of Rubanda district. In his sermon derived from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapter 12, verse 2, Bishop Akanjuna asked Christians not to conform to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. He said that Christians should not only build God’s temples but rather build their inner heart for the growth of the church.

 The Bishop warned Christians against the temptation to simply go along with the ways of the world, urging them instead to allow God to transform them from the inside out. He expressed that however much the world will try to squeeze you into its mold, to conform you to its values and its priorities, as followers of Christ, we are called to resist that pressure and to allow the Lord to shape us according to His perfect will.


Bishop Akanjuna further called on Christians to fully participate in government programs, particularly the upcoming national population census, emphasizing the importance of the census and stating that it will help the government in proper planning and resource allocation to better serve the people.

The bishop also advised Christians to form developmental groups within their communities to help alleviate poverty. He reminded them that it’s through such groups that the government allocates funds, such as parish development model funds, which aid the community in poverty alleviation. Thus, he encouraged Christians to establish savings and investment clubs, as well as engage in income-generating activities, to economically empower people.


During the service 91 Christians were confirmed into the Anglican faith.


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